Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jordan the 6th grader

Yes!  Now I truly have the power to Rule the school, and pump up the party!  With my Cranium Power... I could rule the school with Smart smart and smarter smarties than non-smarty you know who.  So... turn that frown of low grades up-side-down and now it's a high graded happy face!

So instead of taking a risk of getting low grades, I suggest you follow my idea.  I'm so ex(c)- ited to enter my first few steps of that dungeon of theirs and turn it into some thing new. My older brother... Lael is at the school I am going to next year. I  won't  be very much like my brother, but I will humiliate my brother in front of his friends and G-friends for sure. I can't wait! We are going to Seneca Ridge Middle School together for 1 year. I hope I will get one of the best teachers there. I'm on summer still... but school starts in September. I had a lot of fun watching the fire works on Independence Day. They huge and pretty!!  I even saw fire works before 4th of July's Independence day!!! Can you believe it?!
I remember this day. I just turned 10! it was sweet, and my mom came over and brought cupcakes,and my #1best friend in my class's birthday was the same day as mine but I was born in 1999, and she was born in 1998.

Now that I'm a big girl now, and I'll bring the cupcakes, or she will be so embarrassing!!!!! ( no offense mom... I'm just kidding...) 

 Now back to my brother and I. We are totally not alike!

  1. He likes video games and television.
  2. I like electronics: Ds games and reading in peace 
  3. He likes sweets, pasta, and soda.
  4. I like vegetables, and fruit salads and juice
Do you get it now ?
We may be brother and sister ...
but we are total opposites!!!

We do have something in common. Basket ball. That is the only thing we have in common. Fighting doesn't count. all sisters and brothers do that.

Sometimes things between us go away, sometimes we play, and be fair ... and sometimes we don't go along well.
We still fight.. but some how it will all work out.

Just remember...you are never too small or too old to fight for your rights!!!