Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jordan the 6th grader

Yes!  Now I truly have the power to Rule the school, and pump up the party!  With my Cranium Power... I could rule the school with Smart smart and smarter smarties than non-smarty you know who.  So... turn that frown of low grades up-side-down and now it's a high graded happy face!

So instead of taking a risk of getting low grades, I suggest you follow my idea.  I'm so ex(c)- ited to enter my first few steps of that dungeon of theirs and turn it into some thing new. My older brother... Lael is at the school I am going to next year. I  won't  be very much like my brother, but I will humiliate my brother in front of his friends and G-friends for sure. I can't wait! We are going to Seneca Ridge Middle School together for 1 year. I hope I will get one of the best teachers there. I'm on summer still... but school starts in September. I had a lot of fun watching the fire works on Independence Day. They huge and pretty!!  I even saw fire works before 4th of July's Independence day!!! Can you believe it?!
I remember this day. I just turned 10! it was sweet, and my mom came over and brought cupcakes,and my #1best friend in my class's birthday was the same day as mine but I was born in 1999, and she was born in 1998.

Now that I'm a big girl now, and I'll bring the cupcakes, or she will be so embarrassing!!!!! ( no offense mom... I'm just kidding...) 

 Now back to my brother and I. We are totally not alike!

  1. He likes video games and television.
  2. I like electronics: Ds games and reading in peace 
  3. He likes sweets, pasta, and soda.
  4. I like vegetables, and fruit salads and juice
Do you get it now ?
We may be brother and sister ...
but we are total opposites!!!

We do have something in common. Basket ball. That is the only thing we have in common. Fighting doesn't count. all sisters and brothers do that.

Sometimes things between us go away, sometimes we play, and be fair ... and sometimes we don't go along well.
We still fight.. but some how it will all work out.

Just remember...you are never too small or too old to fight for your rights!!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Jordan - end of 5th grade

 Yay!!! End of 5th grade!
I am so excited for this year to be over!
My vacation is delightful, but also expensive!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jordan - 5th Grade Graduations

Okay.. 2 more days until the last day of school!!! I am so excited! But there is a farewell tomorrow... so I'm wishing myself good luck. I'm saying this because my mother is going to be there, for the farewell and portfolio night! And she is also coming to hear me, and the rest of the entire 5th grade students in my school! Now she knows I get nervous when there is people around me staring at my very eyes. I had a D. A. R. E. program ceremony in May, and when I sang in front of millions of people and cried! I have no clue why I did it... I just felt like I had to do it.  Here is where the good news and bad news about graduating elementary school...

Good News
  1. You get excited about leaving elementary school
  2. You get a great experience for what you have learned over the past few years
  3. You wanna get school and the 5th grade farewell over with
  4. Eventually school is over with and you get months of fun!!!

Bad News
  1. Some people ( like me ) get nervous and start to panic
  2. On portfolio night you have to show your parents all of your work starting from September
So... now that you heard my good and bad  news... I don't wanna go to school tomorrow!!!!!!
                                Why me??

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Live Laugh & Love Your Life Forever

You always need to Live your life. Don't be jealous of what your friends have or do. Live your life, not some one else's.  Be grateful. Not many people have lots of toys, electronics etc...
 Go outside more often ( if you don't.... )That's how you get Vitamin D. You get it from sun light. But... be careful!!  The Sun's harmful rays could really hurt your skin, so I use Sun screen. 

Laugh. Laughing is the best medicine, especially good for your soul. Laughing is some thing you do when some thing is funny. Laughing, for me, brings happiness. And happiness..for me brings a smile. A smile of joy!!

Love. Loving yourself  forever is the best stuff your body could ever have. Love is a big word. Especially if you say it to someone.
It won't mind if you say that to your parents/guardians. It's because your parents[guardians] say that to you{ well, at least some parents do. } all of the time. 

Friday, June 4, 2010

Being in a ' Book Club'

I talked to you about Saffy's Angel, and I've talked about Indigo*s star, but haven't talked about the other books.  Here, down below is my list of books I've read so far in order.

  1. A hundred dresses
  2. Every Soul A Star
  3. Rules
  4. Poppy
  5. Saffy's Angel
  6. Indigo*s Star
  7. Out of the dust
The first book, A hundred dresses is basically about feeling. There is a main character, Wanda Petronski, and she is always being mistreated in school. There are 2 people in her class that are bullies to Wanda. Their names are Peggy, and Maddie. They are so mean to Wanda, and sometimes she just stands at the back of the school, until school is over. And sometimes she did go to school, but when it was her turn to read aloud, she was absolutely silent. Nobody new Wanda. Nobody even talked to her. Wanda kept on saying" I have a hundred dresses" Peggy kept on asking, so that made Wanda feel bad. She didn't tell her brother, or teacher, or her father how she was feeling. Then something happened...
Read the book to find out!!
The Hundred Dresses
My second book, Every Soul A Star, is a great book. I could read that book 4times 1 week if I wanted to. This book is basically Adventurous. What's different about this book is that the different characters both have a chapters about themselves. Amazing!!!!  There are 3 main characters who has a chapter for themselves. They are:

  • Ally- really smart
  • Bree-drama queen
  • Jack-whiny child
Jack - Jack's mom decided Jack to go to summer school. Of course Jack did not want to go,especially since his summer school teacher is his science teacher. On the way there, Jack sits next to an old lady(who is Jack's science teacher's mother.) who had licorice and wanted to give Jack some.

Bree - Bree has a little sister named Melony who drives Bree nuts!! Also Bree has a friend named Claire, and doesn't want to move, but she has to move any way.

Ally - Ally  has to move to, but she doesn't like the move also. But... Bree is moving into Ally's house, and Ally is moving into Bree's house.

So.......... Bree's family, and Ally's family is meeting together.  ( read the story and see what happens next!)This story is the best book in the world  for you!!  So.. read this book,and don't forget it!!

Every Soul A Star
Rules- This book is basically about being you.
This book rules has a character who has autism. 
Autism is a type of disease /sickness  that you could have when you are a baby { I'm not saying you do, but some other people do, but ask your parents any way...} it's not functioning right, and you have as long as you live. This character's name is David. He also has short term memory loss.
His older sister has a new friend who trying to change who she is . There is a prom coming up and she needs someone to dance with.  Read this book to find out who she dances with,and what type of function he has! {hint- he's paralyzed!!!
Poppy- Poppy is a book full of animals. So if you love books, and animals..... then Poppy is the book for you!!!! There are animals in the book who are: a porcupine, an owl, mice, a young boy,and so much more!!! 
Poppy (The Poppy Stories)
Now, back to Saffy's Angel. Saffy's Angel is a really joyful book that will "open up your heart".
 Look back to my old blog Saffy's Angel. And see my favorite part. My absolute favorite part is when Saffy goes into the garden and finds out her angel is always with her.

Saffy's Angel 
Indigo*s Star- I have not yet finished this book, but I predict that Indigo will go searching out to get a shooting star, and when he gets to this "special place" he realizes that the shooting star is always in within him.

Indigo's Star 
Out of the dust - Out of the dust is set during the Great Depression. That meant that people were poor back in the days. this book starts off really sad, but gets happier in the ending.  My mother said something that really shocked me. She said.... The story doesn't have to be long to be powerful. It just has to have a strong meaning. What does that mean to you? 

Out of the Dust 

Okay, now you know all of the books I've read [or reading] . Now, I'ts time for me to tell you what it's like being in a book club.   

  1. You will have to like /or love reading books
  2. You will discuss over the book that your 'Book Club Teacher' assigned you to do
  3. You will get to say how you felt about the book
  4. You will read another "assigned book" to read.
Now that you know what to do in a book club... try it out. You might like it!!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Next Book

Indigo's StarRight now, I'm reading Indigo*s star. In the last blog I was reading : Saffy's Angel. I predict Indigo will have another great adventure, but this time he's searching not an angel for saffron , He's searching for some thing else.
I think you just predicted what the book is about, but just read the book anyway. The reason I'm telling you to read these great books, is because I'm in a book club. Book clubs are awesome,especially  for the people who like to read.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Me, Myself & I

I am very much like a tom-boy,because I don't like "girly girl toys" any more because I am going into 6th grade next year. I don't like princesses, unicorns and fairy tales anymore.  And I don't like stuffed animals like I used to either. I like to wear clothes that boys usually wear(sometimes) like; a t-shirt,shorts, and sneakers, or a t-shirt, jeans and sandals. And also I'm starting to "play" with electronics, and action figures more, and also studying harder. Me. Sometimes I  dress and act like a tom-boy, and sometimes I'm just me. Like... I put on a dress or a sundress for church sometimes( only if i have to...), and I wear make up, earrings, and lipstick, lip gloss, and chap stick sometimes too.(Usually for a certain occasion, like a party or something like that....) That is totally not  on the "tom-boy side."  Myself. I always try to be myself. You know, it's always so difficult to find the right friend. The friend(s) you have now might only like you because you have something they want or jealous about. A true friend is a person you trust, and tells the truth, not a liar who you don't feel good about hanging out with. So ask your friend(s) this: Are you my true friend? Do you know me from who I really am? You'd be surprised what they( as your friends) would say. Always be yourself, no matter what!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I've talked about books, but I haven't talked about wisdom or journalism. I like to journalize because I like to take notes, and type (like I am now). What gave me this idea is a book called Peeled. This book is about a girl named Hidly Biddle, who peels for the truth. My favorite part in the story is when a house falls apart in half! Of course you don’t know what I’m talking about, because some of you haven’t read this book before. And for the people who have read this book, don’t give away the ending!



Around the world there are a lot of trees. Of course carpenters  are cutting them down to make shelters, and buildings, but you don't realize that the bigger a house or building, the more trees they cut down. Trees make paper, napkins, and maybe much much more. So if you want to help the environment, start with recycling.

Make the world a better place to live, with recycling. Go Green!

Saffy's Angel

Like I said, I love to read. one of the books I read was..... Saffy's Angel. this book is powerful in many ways. I like this book because it has some sad times, and happy times. My favorite part is the characters.They are a a family named The Cassons. Their named after colors. The wife of The Cassons is Eve Casson, and the husbund of The Cassons is Bill Casson. And their kids: Cadmium Casson-oldest(or Caddy), Saffron Casson- second oldest ( or Saffy), Indigo- only boy( or Indy), and last but not least, Rose Casson.
Saffy's Angel

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hello. My name is Jordan Davis and I like to talk about books, wisdom and journalism. I decided to name this blog "Books, Wisdom and Journalism" because I read books, I like to journalize, and I always seek wisdom.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My first day blogging!

This is scary, you know, you don't know if people will comment you back,or how they will react when they see your blog